Step One: Got the Quote Page and Fill Up in the information and Send. Step Two: We will send Back an e-mail with Details about the Pricing and cost.
Q. Is there a charge to check out House ?
Once you will get the Price list and call us for Roofing. We will visit your House before Finalize the Deal. But we DON'T charge for this.
Q. How does Your Pricing Work?
We try our level best to complete most roofing at a minimum price. Cost mainly very on the time and Quality of the Products you want to use. Check our Pricing Page for more Details.
Q. How Supply Includes does Your Pricin?
Roofing supplies aren’t included. However, if you don’t have supplies, we can bring them for an additional charge . The Supply depend on Quality product either this is local or Imported products
Q.What is include with my Repair Services
Here’s a listing of what gets roofing in every Roof of your house during a Repaire and cleaning. You can also request extra items via Contact us.
Q. How Long your warranty ?
Our warranty is for 12 month and extendable for up to 24 Moths
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We are team of professional builders. We aim to provide you with complete hassle free building services.
As of 12th July, we have changed our company name from Dosanjh Roofing Ltd to National Roofing Ltd. Our quality of service along with everything else remains the same.